Apr 11Liked by Jeremy Arnold

Wow. Just wow. This puts the whole episode in a different light to me. Note I didn't follow closely, but the impression of the story (plan A vs/and plan B and Elon's involvement) were completely different.

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Apr 15Liked by Jeremy Arnold

Incredible write up, and it just highlights the problem with reporting on so many events and news - is that they get key things wrong and the rate of error exponentially grows from there. The Thai Cave Story was one of the first and biggest things that started people down the path of assuming Elon Musk was piece of shit - and everyone I've ever had reason to talk to about that doesn't even know that Elon didn't start it, and doesn't have this further context; but you sound like a crazy person for wanting to get into the context behind this lasting impression.

It really makes it easy to see how stuff like this starts people down the pathway of assuming things, which quickly spirals out of control.

I wonder how pivotal this public relations disaster was to Elon to turn onto his "lash out at the world" pathway that he seems to currently be hellbent on pursuing.

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This was an incredible investigative story and I truly appreciate your care and attention to details to provide a balanced account despite it pushing back against mainstream narrarives. You are what journalists should aspire to, and is sorely lacking from outfits like NYT, WaPo and LA Times.

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